Assuage - definition. What is Assuage
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v. a.
Mitigate, moderate, appease, soothe, soften, mollify, pacify, compose, tranquillize, quiet, still, quell, allay, abate, temper, attemper, lessen, qualify, relieve, ease, dull, blunt, lull. See alleviate.
·vi To abate or subside.
II. Assuage ·vt To soften, in a figurative sense; to allay, mitigate, ease, or lessen, as heat, pain, or grief; to appease or pacify, as passion or tumult; to satisfy, as appetite or desire.
¦ verb
1. make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
2. satisfy (an appetite or desire).
assuagement noun
ME: from OFr. assouagier, based on L. ad- 'to' + suavis 'sweet'.
أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. assuage that pain was pot.
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2. and faded, an ache that time will never assuage."
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3. I think we've gone far too far to assuage
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4. do to assuage this aching that I was feeling.
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5. the only thing that could assuage his pain was pot.
We Are All Criminals _ Emily Baxter _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. But the pullback did nothing to assuage online critics.
2. None of that is likely to assuage the protests, however.
3. But the concession failed to assuage some opposition parties.
4. The US has stepped up efforts to assuage such concerns.
5. Tuesday‘s announcement did not appear to assuage Zyuganov‘s concerns.